To explain what Terra Rubea is today, we need to go way back to the beginning.
Around the turn of the millennium, the medieval scene was very different from what it is today. Sources were far more difficult to acquire and the scientific research wasn't that far as it is nowadays. Furthermore, medieval associations were more influenced by romantic chivalry and folklore than by historical accuracy. Terra Rubea was founded in this precise era so you can imagine what we looked like.
It took us several years of work to get to the point where we are today. In 2017 we slowly started a more historical approach to the hobby. Up to the point of making a new start in 2019, with a new logo, a new mentality and most importantly, a concept.
In our opinion, the pillars of the concept are a date, a place, and a character. Once those pillars defined, it was clear that we wanted to reenact the citizens of Luxemburg in 1257 during the reign of the Count Henry V, after the siege of Namur. This task is only properly achievable in collaboration with historians, museums and constant historical research.
Despite all the progress we never forget where we came from and that there is always room for improvement.
President of the group.
Robinet, burgher of Luxembourg.
Vice-President of the group.
Philippe, one of the blacksmith's assistants.
Secretary of the group.
She is the wife of a small landlord, living outside the city walls. Her husband died in 6th crusade. The responsibilities now lie on her shoulders.
His Lordshipness, Henri V, the great, of Luxembourg said le Blondel. Son of Ermesinde of Luxembourg and Waleran III of Limbourg.
Richard, One of the squires at the court of Henri V.
Burgher of Luxembourg
Brother Jurand, Knight Templar, Cubicularius of Archbishop Arnold II von Isenburg
Berthold, recently moved to the city of Luxembourg, together with his brother Albrecht.
Albrecht, recently moved to the city of Luxembourg, together with his brother Berthold.
Geoffrey, burgher of Luxembourg
Marcus, Sergeant of the count
Marie-Elisabeth, Weaver in the City of Luxembourg.
Burgher of Luxembourg